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Our Mission is to provide holistic and integrated services that address the diverse needs of vulnerable individuals and families experiencing instability as a result of domestic violence and/or homelessness, guiding them towards sustainable transitions.

What We Do


Outreach Services

BII provides a variety of services to support those experiencing homelessness in Sacramento. Our services include interim housing options, such as shelter services, street-based outreach, motel vouchers, and rental assistance. The Bridging House provides priority to women and children, offering a safe place to stay, as well as supportive services and case management to assist them in transitioning to different housing programs and stable living conditions.


Events & Activities

In mid-September, we hosted an exceptionally fruitful and productive fundraising event, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who participated by contributing their time, skills, and financial support. When like-minded individuals unite in solidarity, incredible achievements become possible. We were deeply blessed by the generosity and commitment of many people, and we want to express our sincere thanks to all.

A month ago, we organized a heartwarming baby shower in collaboration with our board members, celebrating the expecting mother residing in our shelter. It was an event brimming with love, encouragement, and the warmth of compassionate hearts.

Last week, we partnered with the T&C Bible Study Group and the Thrivent Action Team to host a memorable Christmas party at the shelter for our clients. The children in attendance experienced sheer joy and the embrace of love, capturing the true spirit of Christmas that extends to all of humanity.


Bridging House

Our Bridging house has been operational since the start of this year, and in just six months, we have already provided support to 26 families and individuals. Our goal is to offer over 3,000 bed nights annually to women and children facing homelessness due to various circumstances, such as domestic violence, sex trafficking, and other abusive situations.

Our Objectives

  •  Offer integrated services to vulnerable individuals and families affected by domestic violence and homelessness, and also by connecting them to available resources.

  • Promote micro-enterprise development initiatives that align with the cultural context and specific needs of the communities we serve.

  • Dedicated to establishing stable and safe housing programs, including transitional housing and rental assistance, for individuals and families impacted by domestic violence and homelessness.

  • Mobilize and organize marginalized individuals, providing them with training and resources to achieve economic empowerment through skills development and supportive services.

  • We strive to engage community-based organizations and churches in our mission, fostering the integration of faith with work through the theology of work.

  • Mobilize volunteers who will actively engage with homeless communities, schools, local agencies, and healthcare institutions to facilitate holistic transformation.

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